Jatin Kumar, a graduate of the National Defence Academy (NDA), was awarded the prestigious Sword of Honour and the President’s Silver Medal during the Indian Military Academy’s (IMA) Autumn Passing Out Parade on Saturday. His achievement is especially significant given that just a few years ago, he faced rejection twice while trying to join the elite institution.
As reported by TOI, Kumar hails from Palwal in Haryana and had long dreamed of serving the nation in the Indian Army.
Speaking with pride on the occasion, he told to TOI, “I got rejected twice by IMA, but I never lost hope. My family has always been my strength, and with their unwavering support, I am celebrating the most memorable day of my life. It was my father’s dream that I become an Army officer. Eleven years ago, while I was at Sainik School, I too began dreaming of serving the nation, and today that dream has come true.”
His father, a retired Havaldar, had served in the Indian Army until 2018.
Reflecting on the significance of this moment, Jatin added, “Our daily activities at the Academy are meticulously scrutinized, and awards like the Sword of Honour are given accordingly. I dedicate this honor to my parents, whose blessings and sacrifices made this achievement possible.”
Jatin Kumar’s story is one of resilience & determination
Despite the setbacks he faced earlier, his persistence and the support of his family led him to achieve his goal. Kumar, who also earned a silver medal at NDA, stressed on the role of his parents in his success, saying, “My parents are like my backbone. I’ve also been greatly inspired by my teachers and senior officers.”
Other Noteworthy Graduates
Among other notable graduates at the parade was Mayank Dhyani, who hails from Pauri Garhwal and was awarded the Bronze Medal.
Dhyani, whose father is also an ex-serviceman, expressed his gratitude to his family, especially his father, for their support throughout his journey. “I come from a modest family background, and if someone like me can fulfill his dream, anyone can achieve it with determination,” he told to TOI.
Another inspiring story came from Gopal Singh from Chennai. Singh, who was commissioned as an Army Lieutenant, shared that his school stories of bravery and valor were key motivators in his decision to join the Army.
His father, who runs a readymade garments business, proudly recalled, “My son was preparing for the NEET exam after Class 12, but we only discovered thIIat he had secretly applied to the NDA after he succeeded in the exam.”
The IMA Passing Out Parade not only marks the culmination of rigorous training but also celebrates the determinatperseverance, and sacrifices of young men and women who are now ready to serve the nation. For these cadets, the day marked the realisation of years of hard work and dreams that had long been nurtured.