Tips for a better married life: Many people dream of starting a marriage with the same person they loved. Many people get a chance to live that dream. But, as soon as the reality sets in, this dream of many people is shattered. Actually, when a person’s married life begins, except for the initial days, many people start finding this new life difficult with time. This is comparatively more in the current generation.

In such a situation, many people start talking to a third person in the relationship without thinking and this is where the distance in married life starts coming. With the entry of a third person in the relationship, doubts, suspicions and consequent allegations and counter-allegations begin and the bubble of confusion bursts.

Instead of taking a hasty decision of divorce, couples need to give time to each other and the relationship. For this, doing the following will bring positive changes.

– Listen to the other person’s point of view. Instead of giving importance to a third person in the relationship, listen to your partner.

– Instead of listening with the feeling that you are being deceived, put this feeling away.

– Decide how important outsiders are in the relationship. Do not bring your personal conflicts into the open. This often creates a storm of embarrassment in the mind of the person in trouble.

– Both husband and wife should sit together and discuss what is wrong in the relationship and take each other’s side.

– If you are both ready for a fresh start, be clear about what you expect from each other.

– Resolve the matter amicably instead of resorting to verbal arguments. Firstly, if the spouse (s) admits the mistake and asks for an opportunity to rectify it, show a willingness to forgive.

-Often your goodness is better than the existence of a third person. Instead of showing how superior I am in the relationship, emphasize how strong the foundation of this relationship we can build as a couple.

The relationship between husband and wife is like a glass vessel. Therefore, it is important to maintain this relationship in a very sensitive manner.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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