Chandigarh: Various Khaps of Haryana which held a mahapanchayat in Hisar district on Sunday announced their support to the ongoing protest of the farmers camping at Shambhu and Khanauri Punjab-Haryana borders and held that another mahapanchayat would be called in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar district if farmers concerns would not be addressed by January 9, 2025.

The Khaps’ mahapanchayat held in village Baas in Hisar district also discussed the deteriorating health of farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal who has been on fast-unto-death at Khanauri border since November 26, last to press for farmers demands including minimum support price (MSP) for crops and debt waiver.

According to information, besides representatives of over 100 Khaps, and other farmer bodies, Kisan Mazdoor Morcha leader Sarwan Singh Pandher and Olympic medallist and Congress farmer cell chief Bajran Punia attended the mahapanchayat.

Pandher said that all the Khap representatives have appealed for unity among all the farmer organisations for the protest for which Dallewal’s fast-unto-death had also entered the 34th day and his condition continued to be critical.


Meanwhile, several farmer leaders appealed to all the farmer bodies and others to support the Punjab “bandh’’ for December 30 to press for the farmers’ demands who have been camping at the two borders named above since February 13, last.


Meanwhile, the protesting farmers have also given a call for “kisan mahapanchayat’’ at Khanauri border on January 4, 2025, amid the worsening health of farmer leader Dallewal.

Notably, this call comes after the Supreme Court has reprimanded the Punjab government for failing to move Dallewal, 70, also a cancer patient, to a hospital despite his deteriorating health.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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