Haryana BJP President Mohan Lal Badoli is trapped in gang rape allegations. To save the image of the party, Haryana Government Cabinet Minister Anil Vij has demanded his resignation. Anil Vij said, “Both Mohan Lal Badoli and the witnesses are declaring themselves innocent. I have full confidence that the truth will come out in the investigation by Himachal Police. “Until the investigation is completed, Badoli should resign from his post to maintain the sanctity of the party.”

FIR details

On December 13, 2024, a case of gang rape was registered against Mohan Lal Badoli and Haryanvi singer Rocky Mittal on the complaint of a girl at Kasauli police station in Himachal Pradesh. The FIR became public on 14 January 2025. However, on January 16, a friend of the woman came forward to the media and said that no incident of gang rape took place in the hotel and her name was forcibly included in the FIR as a witness.

Impact on political career

Mohan Lal Badoli became the President of Haryana BJP in July last year. His path to becoming president again seemed clear, but these allegations have shaken his political position.
The opposition is continuously attacking BJP on this issue. However, no official statement has been issued yet by the top leadership of the party.

the road to the future is difficult

Even if Mohan Lal Badoli gets a clean chit in the investigation, but after this controversy, it seems difficult for him to get a big responsibility again. Other contenders for the post of BJP state president have also become active to take advantage of this situation.

This matter has become a big challenge for BJP, and is raising questions about the image of the party. The outcome of the investigation will determine the future of this dispute.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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