Find me in my Neverland is a book written differently. It is a book of what are supposedly WhatsApp conversations between two human beings – one woman and one man. The conversations are spread over six years. They talk about almost everything under the Sun in these conversations.
Harish Khatri, founder of India Assis, a travel-tech startup, has written this book in an attempt to explore the depths of human emotions in a more mature and deeper way. He mentions in his Introduction that he expects the reader to ‘pay attention not only to the words but also to the subtle progression of time to sense the shifts – sometimes they’re distant, sometimes they’re close, without making it too easy to predict. You’ll need to check months and years of the conversations to piece together how they grow or perhaps, grown closer.’ (sic)
Having read that, one expects a chronological order to the conversations that follow in the book. However, unfortunately, the conversations are quite randomly placed. This kind of makes the reader lose interest after a few pages as s/he is forced to go back and forth to get context of the conversation or messages in order to understand them better.
An interesting concept is wasted due to lack of better execution.
Book: Find Me In My Neverland
Author: Harish Khatri
Publisher: Wordly Wise Publishers
Pages: 150
Price: ₹349