Haridwar: Following the robbery of Rs 5 crore that took place in broad daylight at the showroom of Shri Balaji Jewelers in Haridwar, Director General of Police (DGP) Abhinav Kumar reached Haridwar on Tuesday. He inspected the crime scene and met the showroom owner and assured him that the police were seriously engaged in solving this case.
The DGP expressed confidence that the police and the Special Task Force will soon arrest the accused.
Director General Of Police (DGP) Abhinav Kumar Speak On The Robbery
“It is one of the major incidents that have taken place. The CM has also enquired about the incident and is monitoring the progress of the investigation. Whenever any major incident of this type takes place, it is a challenge but I believe that this is also an opportunity for our Uttarakhand Police to showcase its efficiency, its wisdom, its courage. I am fully confident that soon, our Haridwar Police team and STF team will soon give a positive update on the matter,” DGP Kumar said on Tuesday.
“Anti-social elements coming from outside should not be under the impression that we will be quiet. We welcome everyone to ours state but is anti-social elements take law into their own hands, we know how to handle them. We have also sought the assistance of the police teams of our nieghbouring states to solve this case,” the DGP added.
DGP Abhinav Kumar also inspected the crime scene of the Rs 5 crore robbery that took place in broad daylight two days ago at the showroom of Shri Balaji Jewelers in Haridwar and inquired about the incident from the showroom owners and the police.
DGP Abhinav Kumar Holds Meeting With Gazetted Officers Of The District
After inspecting the spot of the Balaji Jewelers robbery case, Kumar held a meeting with all the police gazetted officers of the district at Dam Kothi regarding the law and order of the district. The DGP instructed the subordinates to arrest the accused soon as well as to prevent crimes and make law and order effective.
Earlier, IG Garhwal Range Karan Singh Nagnyal met the shop owner and informed him about the work being done by the police to solve the incident. Further investigation into the matter is underway.