Mumbai: Film maker Hansal Mehta himself passed away. Apologized for being associated as creative director of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s biopic ‘The Accidental Prime Minister’. Hansal Mehta said that in the entire country Late. I am apologizing to Manmohan Singh. I need to apologize to him more than anyone else.
Actually Late. The film, which stars Manmohan Singh, was criticized on social media following his recent death. Hansal Mehta had also approved a post regarding this.
Soon after, the film’s lead actor Anupam Kher took a strong stance, saying that it was his right for others to criticize the film, but Hansal Mehta himself was involved as the creative director of the film. Now with what mouth are they criticizing this film? Kher said that he has many pictures and videos of him being active on the sets of Hansal Mehta’s film and in other activities.
After a dispute between Hansal Mehta and Anupam Kher on this issue, Hansal Mehta has finally accepted that accepting the film was his professional mistake.