The planet Jupiter, responsible for wealth, children, religion, marriage, education, career and knowledge, has special significance in the scriptures, as it changes the zodiac and constellation after a certain time period. Whenever the movement of Jupiter changes, it has both auspicious and inauspicious effects on the zodiac signs. According to the Vedic almanac, Gurudev will transit not one but twice before the month of June, which is likely to get special benefits to some zodiac signs. Let us know when Jupiter will transit in the coming days.


When will Jupiter be transit?

According to the Vedic almanac census, on 10 April 2025 at 7:51 pm, Guru Dev will transit in Mrigashir Nakshatra. After April 10, Guru Dev will enter Ardra Nakshatra on 14 June 2025 at 12:07 am.

Which 3 zodiac signs will get special benefits?


With the blessings of Gurudev, people of Aries can get immense wealth before the month of June. If money is stuck somewhere, then it can also be found soon. Income level will increase. The clouds of anxiety will be destroyed. Wealth will increase. You will be able to make new dreams come true.


Apart from Aries, people of Cancer sign will also get special grace of Guru. New doors of success will open for the youth. It is expected that before June your work will get a new identity in the society. You will be successful in climbing the stairs of progress. Traders will benefit. The time of crisis will pass.


With the special grace of Jupiter, people of Scorpio will get high position in their career. The intellect of children will develop. If the employed people work diligently, then their boss can increase their salary this week. You will meet old friends. You will be successful in climbing the stairs of success. Stopped work will start to be made. Concerns will go away.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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