Dr Tushar Mehta, a surgeon as per information on his now deleted X account, deactivated his profile after Delhi Airport and Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) revealed that his claim of Apple Watch theft was false. The CISF has even said on X that posting of such ‘unsubstantiated’ messages is ‘avoidable’.


What Happened Exactly?

Just a couple days ago Dr Mehta posted from his X handle that his Apple Watch was stolen while going through security check at T3 Terminal of New Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGI). In his post, Mehta claimed that his Apple Watch was stolen after he removed it and kept in the tray that go through the scanning machine.

Mehta claimed that he spoke with CISF person about it and then saw a man suspiciously walking away. Mehta said further that he had to confront the man and physically remove the watch from his pocket. He then said that a person from a Helios showroom on the airport came ahead to defend the man and had an altercation with Mehta as well.

Mehta claimed that ‘Md Saqib’ and ‘Shoaib’ were the names of these men.

Here is the complete post.

Dr Tushar Mehta's original post

Dr Tushar Mehta’s original post | X

The CISF and Delhi Airport responded from their official handles.

The CISF said that upon checking the CCTV footage, Mehta was seen wearing his watch after security check and he then headed to boarding gate ‘without interaction with any CISF personnel’ and ‘smoothly’ boarded the plane.

CISF's reply to Mehta's post

CISF’s reply to Mehta’s post | X

Delhi Airport confirmed what CISF said from its official handle.

The airport said that ‘no suspicious activity was observed’ and that ‘allegations were unsubstantiated’.

Delhi Airport's reply to Dr Tushar Mehta's claim

Delhi Airport’s reply to Dr Tushar Mehta’s claim | X

It is not known presently if Dr Mehta deleted his account on X because of authorities flagging his claims as false.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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