Mumbai – Indian filmmaker Guneet Monga’s ‘Anuja’ has been nominated in the Live Action Short Film category for the 97th Oscar Awards 2025. Priyanka Chopra is the co-producer of this film. On the other hand, India’s Payal Kapadia’s highly acclaimed film ‘All We Imagine as Light’ failed to make it to the final five. The film was expected to be nominated in two categories – Best International Film category and Best Screen Play – but it did not receive a single nomination. France’s ‘Emilia Perez’ leads the Oscar nominations with 13 nominations.

One short film from India has been included in the nominations. ‘Anuja’ will compete with other short films Alien, I’m Not a Robot, The Last Ranger and A Man Who Will Not Remain Silent.

Guneet Monga has earlier won Oscar for two short films ‘The Elephant Whispers’ and ‘Period: And Op Saints’.

This short film is based on nine year old girl Anuja. Anuja and her sister Palak work as child laborers in a garment factory. Suddenly they get a chance to go to school. This situation has been depicted in the film.

Meanwhile, Latvia’s ‘Flow’, France’s ‘Emilia Perez’, Germany’s ‘The Seed of the Sacred Fig’ and Brazil’s ‘I’m Still Here’ and Denmark’s ‘The Girl with the Needle’ have been nominated in the Best International Feature Film category. Has been enrolled in. Anora, The Brutalite, A Complete Unknown, Conclave, Down Part Two, Emilia Pérez, I’m Still Here, Nickel Boys and The Substance and Wicked have been nominated in the Best Film category.

In the Best Actor category, Adrien Brody has been nominated for ‘The Brutalist’, Timothée Chalamet for ‘A Complete Unknown’, Colman Domingo for ‘Sing Sing’ and Sebastian Stan for ‘The Apprentice’.

Cynthia Erivo for ‘Wicked’, Carla Sofia Gascón for ‘Emilia Perez’, Millie Madison for ‘Enora’ and Demi Moore for ‘The Substance’ and ‘Fernanda Torres’ for ‘I’m Still Here’ Has been nominated as.

The Spanish-language French production ‘Amelia Perez’ has received nominations in 13 different categories, including Best Picture, Best Actress, Direction, Original Screen Play, Song and Supporting Artist.

The film ‘Wicked’ has received nominations in ten different categories including Best Picture and Best Actor.

This time the Oscar nomination process has been delayed due to the massive fire in Los Angeles. However, according to the announcement made by the Oscar Academy, the Oscar Awards will be held on March 3 as scheduled.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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