Swastha means ‘in the state of well-being’. Then the question that comes up is, who is deemed or is said to be Swastha. Often the western reductionistic healthcare system tries to answer health as ‘absence of disease’. Disease itself comes from ‘dis+ease’, condition of unease. On the other hand, ancient tradition of Ayur+Veda, meaning science of longevity defined Swastha in a very holistic manner. The conditions are stated clearly and given here.
It is said that ‘Sama-dosha’ is the requirement meaning three doshas must be in balance. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are these tri-doshas. For a broader understanding, Vata is the airy element, Pitta is the bile, and Kapha is the phlegmatic element present in the body. These need to be in balance is the understanding.
Next expected condition is ‘Sama+Agni’. The body is full of fire. These fires must be in balance. We are aware of the ‘Vaisvanara’ agni that aids our digestion of food. In different seasons the fire becomes a little dull and this causes problems with digestion. As it is said that the unhealthy conditions emanate from gut, hence there is a need to maintain Agni in ‘sama’ condition.
Our body has seven ‘dhatus’, the essential constituents. These seven are Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asti, Majja, Shukra. All seven need to be in balance. Under-production or weakening of any of these elements of dhatu shall cause associated problem. Some of these dhatus are well known viz. rakta, mamsa, and asti meaning blood, flesh, and bones respectively. Our ahara and vihara affect these seven dhatus and balance.
Next condition is proper ‘mala-kriya’, sending out of the toxins and waste. When we take proper food which is hygienic, nutritious, and easy for combustion, the essence gets transferred to the body and get converted to above seven dhatus. The remaining is waste and toxins. These get thrown out through various means. This must happen smoothly, naturally, and unaided. When malakriya happens smoothly, timely, and regularly, the body feels light, other organs function smoothly. The resultant is ‘prasanna atma indriya’. Pleasantness is the resultant condition.
When the above conditions happen, the person is said to be ‘Swastha’, one who is in a condition of well-being. Such people vibrate positively and spread well-being around. Peace prevails.
Dr S Ainavolu is a Mumbai-based teacher of Management and Tradition. Intent is nextgen’s learning and cultural education