New times began. Traditional calendar system of ours follows Chandramana in many areas and Souramana in some places. Barhaspatyamana is followed in a few limited places. To engage the un-boarded or unengaged so far, the references of fixing the calendar are with respect to Moon’s movement in Chandramana, Sun transit in Souramana, and Jupiter’s movement in the Barhaspatyamana. In the Chandramana the Moon’s movement through Nakshatra and its ‘padas’ is computed and the month said to be over when the Moon’s transit is completed over all the 27 ‘Stars’. Each star or nakshatra is having four padas or quarter. Thus, Moon completes 108 padas or quarters’ journey in about 28 days before the ‘Lunar month’ comes to an end.
A total of nine charanas or padas or quarters of Nakshatras comprise of one ‘Rashi’, and there are twelve rashis in total. When the full moon of the month is aligned with a particular nakshatra, month is known by that name. For instance, if the moon happens to be aligned with ‘Pushya’ nakshatra on the night of that month’s full moon day, then it is Pushya month or Pushya Masa, which currently is.
Each star is controlled by the Nakshatra lord. In case of Pushya nakshatra, it is Jupiter or Brihaspati or Guru who is the lord of that nakshatra. Guru represents knowledge, wisdom, gravitas, and good intention. It also indicates multi-dimensional expansion. Thursday is said to be the representational weekday of Guru. Thus, when on Thursday or Guruvar if the Pushya nakshatra happens, then it is ‘Guru Pushya’ occasion and is treated to be pious and fit for auspicious activities.
Occasion is good but it may be little uncommon to find this Guru+Pushya occasion. Mathematical probability wise, every month we have the entire lunar nakshatra cycle. However, on the day of Pushya nakshatra, the weekday to be Guruvar or Thursday is only one in seven. Thus, in twelve months of the calendar year, the probability of finding or getting ‘Guru Pushya’ is (12 x 1/7), about twice. Thus, only about twice in a year we may find this pious combination on which we can start a spiritually significant work.
Pushya masa signifies abundance, spiritual highs, and worshipping of Vishnu facilitates more positive outcomes. Let’s stay deeply blessed.
Dr S Ainavolu is a Mumbai-based teacher of Management and Tradition. Intent is Nextgen’s learning and cultural education