Among spiritual masters, a statement is often made – One meets one’s destiny on the very road that one takes to avoid it. I have seen this coming true again and again. Some people do not want their relationship to end and try desperately to do everything to make it work, and still it does not work out.
Similarly, during the pandemic, there were so many people who were so scared about getting an infection that they did everything they could to avoid it and still ended up with Covid.
Similarly, people who were afraid of heart attacks, followed a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, sleep, and everything that the doctor recommended and some. Still the person ended up getting a heart attack.
So, the statement is literally true, that one meets one’s destiny on the very road one takes to avoid it, at the same time.
At the same time, does it mean that one will do nothing and accept whatever happens as destiny? No, that is not true.
Because all that we have is our hands is our ability to think, to feel a desire and to act. Traditionally this is called jnana-shakti, iccha shakti and kriya shakti. Let us use it to live a fulfilled life. I know of someone who had a sudden heart attack. He was very disciplined in terms of diet, rest and exercise. Because he was doing all the right things, he had a mild attack. He literally walked into the hospital, where the doctor found a block in one of the main arteries, did an angioplasty, and within 48 hours, he was back home, resuming his day-to-day activities slowly. This was possible only because of the care taken to ensure fitness and good health.
Therefore, let us do all that is in our power to take care of things without being paranoid or worried or anxious about it.
Whatever the result and consequences, let us learn to accept it with good grace as God’s grace, God’s Prasad. That is a great way to live life.
The writer is the founder of Aarsha Vidya Foundation. You can write to him at [email protected]