Mumbai: Amid the increasing air pollution in Mumbai, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) on Monday announced measures to improve air quality in the maximum city. The BMC announced to halt construction works in the area where the air quality index (AQI) is in the “poor” category, i.e. over 200-mark.

BMC Commissioner Bhushan Gagrani on Monday said that the work would be stopped at private and government construction sites, including those being carried out by the civic body, till the time the AQI improves, reported PTI. Gagrani is also the chairperson of the Bombay High Court-appointed air quality monitoring committee. Notably, as per the new directives, the BMC will stop all construction works under the GRAP-IV norms where AQI breaches 200-mark.

“In all the areas of Mumbai where the AQI index surpasses the 200 mark, we will be stopping work at all construction sites under the GRAP-IV norms. Once the AQI breaches 200, the rule will be implemented immediately without issuing any stop-work notices to the developers,” Gargrani as reported by Hindustan Times.

As of now, construction work in the Byculla and Borivali East areas have been stopped in the wake of “poor” air quality. A 28-point detailed guidelines and environmental management plans were also issued by the civic body.

Non-compliance to BMC directives will attract action under section 52 of the Maharashtra Regional Town Planning Act and police complaints will also be lodged.

“Concerned developers and agencies won’t be permitted to resume work unless the AQI is brought to a safe level. The BMC will not issue any permission for digging trenches unless Mumbai’s air quality improves,” Gagrani informed.

Avinash Dhakane, member secretary of the committee, said the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board has issued notices to all ready mix concrete (RMC) plants in Mumbai and adjoining metropolitan region. These plants were asked to erect sheds to cover 100 per cent of the plant area in order to curb pollution.

Notably, the Mumbai Metropolitan Region has more than 500 RMC plants, which supply concrete for construction works, reported PTI.

The directives were issued after air quality in parts of Mumbai dipped to poor levels on Monday.

There are six AQI categories – good (0-50), satisfactory (51-100), moderately polluted (101-200), poor (201-300), very poor (301-400) and severe (401-500).

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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