On Monday, December 2, 2024, planet Ketu will change its constellation by changing its constellation. Due to the presence of planet Ketu in the birth chart and the change in its movement after transit, this planet has a great impact on a person’s life. According to astrologers, planet Ketu makes a person disciplined with logical ability and engaged in social service work. They are considered to be related to attaining salvation, chemistry and medicine. It has been seen that when Ketu comes to any planet, it gives prosperity and success.

Effect of Ketu’s constellation change

According to Vedic Astrology mathematical calculations, on December 2, 2024 at 4:04 pm, planet Ketu will leave Hasta Nakshatra and enter Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. In Vedic astrology, Ketu planet is called a shadow planet, because it does not exist in its true form. The nature of this planet is considered mysterious and uncertain. There are many aspects of it that are still unknown. Although the change in Ketu’s constellation will affect all the zodiac signs, the change in its movement can brighten the fortunes of three zodiac signs. Let us know which are those 3 lucky zodiac signs?


Aries people will feel more confident and decisive during this period. You will understand your emotions better and experience mental peace. You will get new opportunities in business. Partnership is likely to yield profits and good returns on investment. Income will increase and financial condition will become stronger. There may be a transfer in job, but there will be benefits. Also, people looking for a new job will get a good opportunity. Students will concentrate on studies.


During this period, Leo people will feel more confident and courageous. You will be able to make full use of your creativity. Mental stress will reduce and your confidence will increase. There will be a new opportunity to expand business. Contact new customers.


Sagittarius people will feel more optimistic and energetic during this period. The transit of Ketu in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra will enhance your creative abilities and you will be eager to do new experiments in your work. Also, you will enjoy your travels and adventures. You will experience mental peace and increase in self-confidence.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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