Fatty liver disease is becoming a common but serious health problem. When excessive fat accumulates in the liver, it is called fatty liver. If it is not controlled in time, it can cause serious diseases like liver inflammation (hepatitis) and liver cirrhosis. Especially patients with grade 2 fatty liver should pay special attention to their diet and lifestyle.
What is grade 2 fatty liver?
Grade 2 fatty liver is a condition when the amount of fat in the liver is greater than normal, and becomes apparent on ultrasound. In this condition, the liver’s ability to function gradually starts getting affected. This condition is caused by unbalanced diet, obesity, alcohol consumption and lack of physical activity.
Avoid these things:
- Alcohol: Alcohol is one of the biggest causes of fatty liver. In Grade 2, alcohol consumption should be completely avoided.
- Fried and junk foods: Trans fats present in fried and junk foods, such as burgers, pizza, and samosas, deposit more fat in the liver. Avoid eating these completely.
- Sweets and sweetened beverages: Excessive consumption of sugar and soda beverages can cause further damage to the liver. Especially avoid canned juices, cold drinks and cakes.
- Red meat and processed food: Red meat and processed food increase pressure on the liver. It is important to remove these from your diet.
- Too much salt: Excessive salt can increase liver inflammation. Use less salt in your food.
What to eat?
- Green leafy vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
- Low-fat proteins, such as egg whites and pulses.
- Healthy fats, like nuts and seeds.
- Drink enough water to detoxify the liver.
Patients with grade 2 fatty liver should consult a doctor regularly and get liver function tests done. Along with this, regular exercise and weight loss is also important. This condition can be kept under control by adopting a healthy lifestyle and proper eating habits.