Bollywood actor-turned-politician Govinda’s wife Sunita Ahuja heaped praise on Telugu superstar Allu Arjun and said she wants her son, Yashvardan Ahuja, to work like him. In one of her latest interviews, Sunita expressed her desire to meet Allu Arjun and also stated that she watched the first day first shows of both Pushpa and Pushpa 2.
During an interaction with Hindi Rush, Sunita opened up about the films that are being made these days. Mentioning Allu Arjun’s Pushpa, she said, “Main kabhi theatre zyada jaati nahi hu, lekin maine mere bete ko bola mujhe Pushpa dekhni hi hai, vo bhi first day first show. What a film it is (I usually don’t go to theatres much, but I told my son that I absolutely have to watch Pushpa, and that too on the first day, first show).”
She further mentioned that she wants her son to work like Allu Arjun.
“Main toh fan ho gayi hu Allu Arjun ki. Whenever I’ll go to Hyderabad, I’ll meet him for sure. Kitna mehnat kiya hai bacche ne. Aisa bhi nhi ki six-pack hai ya sundar hai… but dekho uska kaam. Main apne bete ko aise hi bolti hu ‘Tu aise hi kaam karne ka’ (I’ve become a fan of Allu Arjun. Whenever I go to Hyderabad, I’ll make sure to meet him. The amount of hard work that boy has put in is incredible. It’s not like he has a six-pack or is conventionally handsome… but just look at his work. I always tell my son, ‘You should work just like that’).”
Govinda has been married to Sunita Ahuja since 1987. Together, they have two children, and their family life remains a private yet cherished aspect of Govinda’s journey.
Meanwhile, Allu Arjun has constantly been in news due to his arrest in connection with the stampede outside Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad. One woman was killed and her son was injured in the incident. The actor was arrested on December 13 and he was released on the same day.
On January 4, the Telugu was granted regular bail by Hyderabad’s Nampally court on two surety bonds worth Rs 50,000 each.