Kushinagar, 04 August (HS). Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath visited the flood-affected areas of the district on Sunday. During this, he met the flood-affected people in Gram Sabha Turkha and distributed relief material. Earlier, the Chief Minister also inspected the Bhainsaha-Chhitoni embankment. During this, he distributed certificates to the beneficiaries of various schemes and tablets among the students. Along with this, the Annaprashan ceremony of the children was also completed. Along with this, he pampered them by giving them toffees.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has said that the government is ready to help and protect its citizens 24 hours a day during a disaster. The Chief Minister said that in the last seven years, large-scale efforts have been made to protect the district from the floods of the Naray. and Gandak rivers. The result of spending about Rs 600 crore and making various arrangements for flood protection is that a population of 1,16,000 in 83 villages and 20 thousand hectares of agricultural land have been protected.
The Chief Minister directed the District Magistrate to start the survey work for building a permanent bridge on the Naray. River as soon as possible. He said that the population of about 20 thousand on the other side of Naray. will get a lot of benefit from this bridge, so as soon as the flood water recedes, a survey should be done to determine where the bridge should be built on the river and the report should be sent to the government.
The Chief Minister said that the result of taking timely measures to prevent floods in the last 7 years is that it has helped in preventing loss of life and property on a large scale. In Kushinagar alone, a population of about 3 lakh was also saved from floods. The result of this is that not only are we safe and secure here, but work has also been done to prevent floods in other districts of the state.
The Chief Minister said that since Kushinagar is situated in the foothills of the Himalayas, the current of the river is very fast here, yet there is a lot of relief here. Seven years ago, people who used to work on the Chittauni embankment were brutally murdered. Mafias were dominant in this area, people used to stop coming and going after sunset. Today terror, anarchy and hoolig.sm have ended.
CM Yogi said that as the Mahaparinirvana Sthal of Mahatma Buddha, the whole world sees it as a land of peace. Continuous efforts are being made by the government to make it the center of faith of the world. Once the children here were affected by encephalitis. Today this disease has been completely eradicated. A medical college is being built in Kushinagar today. A new agricultural university has been made available to Kushinagar so that the people here can get modern technology of agriculture. An international airport has also been built here. Earlier the roads of Kushinagar were such that it was not known whether it was a road or a pit.
On this occasion, State Government Minister Swatantradev Singh, MP Vijay Kumar Dubey, MLAs Vivekanand Pandey, Vinay Gaur, M.sh Jaiswal, Mohan Verma, Surendra Kushwaha, Asim Rai, District Panchayat President Savitri Jaiswal, BJP District President Durgesh Rai, Rajeshwar Singh and other dignitaries were present.