The government has published a list of 21 “fake universities” that are currently operating in India and has directed the respective state governments to take legal action against them. Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan shared this information in the Lok Sabha, and the list is now available on the University Grants Commission (UGC) website for public access.

The list can be viewed at UGC Website.

8 Fake Universities Found In Delhi

Among the 21 fake universities identified, Delhi has the highest number, with eight institutions listed. The government’s primary concern is to prevent these institutions from deceiving students by falsely claiming to be legitimate universities.

Steps to Prevent Fraud & Raise Awareness

To address this issue, the Ministry of Education is taking proactive measures to prevent these institutions from misleading students. Minister Dharmendra Pradhan emphasized that public awareness campaigns are being conducted through social media and the UGC website. These campaigns aim to inform students, parents, and the public about the dangers of these fraudulent institutions.

Government Allocates Increased Budget for Higher Education

Minister of State for Education, Sukanta Majumdar, provided an update on the budget for higher education. He announced an increase of Rs 2,875.29 crore in the Department of Higher Education’s budget for 2024-25. The total allocation for the department in the 2024-25 fiscal year is Rs 47,619.77 crore, up from Rs 44,744.48 crore in the previous year.

Expenditure on Higher Education Institutions in Rajasthan

In response to a question about public expenditure on higher education in Rajasthan, the Minister of State for Education shared that Rs 556.86 crore has been allocated in FY 2024-25 (as of November 30, 2024) to three Centrally Funded Higher Education Institutions in the state. These institutions are IIT Jodhpur, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, and Central University of Rajasthan. Additionally, Rs 535.99 crore has been earmarked for the establishment of IIM Udaipur and IIIT Kota in Rajasthan.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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