Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has given a hint at the government’s stance on the Supreme Court’s position on bulldozing houses. At the party’s membership drive programme on Tuesday, Yadav said his government was working on the apex court’s guidelines. It was after the SC decision that his government removed 62 loudspeakers from religious shrines.

From Yadav’s hints, it is clear that after the SC decision, bulldozer action would be stopped in MP. Yadav said that the government had arranged for helicopters to shift an ailing patient from a far-flung area to a hospital.

During the rule of previous regime, helicopters were stationed outside the residences of the people in the government, but the present ruling dispensation has parked helicopters outside the houses of the poor, he said.

Yadav said that the BJP had won election in Chhindwara and Amarwara and it would win all the upcoming elections. Nevertheless, winning an election is not the purpose, he said, adding that he will not sit idle unless each nationalist of the country is connected with the BJP.

BJP’s state unit president VD Sharma said MP would create a history in terms of number of party members, he said. The party will cross the target of making 1.50 crore members, Sharma said.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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