Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath in Gorakhnath temple of Gorakhpur public darshan program Participated in. During this time he problems of 100 people Listened and gave instructions to the officials to solve them. During the program the Chief Minister Giving chocolates while caressing a little girlDue to which the atmosphere became emotional. At the same time, a woman asked for help for treatment, to which the Chief Minister assured immediate assistance.
After this CM Yogi Gorakhnath University held in “Yoga, Ayurveda and Nathpanth” Participated in a three-day international conference and inspired the youth to research these ancient traditions.
CM Yogi’s views on Yoga, Ayurveda and Nathpanth
After the Janata Darshan program, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath Yoga, Ayurveda and Nathpanth Described as an integral part of Indian tradition. He said:
- our body five elements It is made up of and is part of nature.
- chanting and meditation Through meditation, the mind can be calmed and taken to a higher state.
- By practicing these disciplines, life can be made healthy, balanced and happy.
International conference at Gorakhnath University
CM Yogi in Gorakhnath University “Ayurveda, Yoga and Nathpanth” Addressed students and researchers in the three-day international conference being held on.
- Yoga and Ayurveda:
- These are not just ancient traditions, but healthy and balanced life Are the basis of.
- Diseases can be treated with these and body and mind can be strengthened.
- Contribution of Nathpanth:
- It shows the way to connect soul and body through meditation and sadhana.
Increasing acceptance of Yoga and Ayurveda in the world
The Chief Minister said that today whole world Adopting Yoga and Ayurveda.
- He appealed to students and researchers to do more work on these ancient genres.
- CM said that by using Yoga and Ayurveda properly, not only diseases can be prevented but also physical and mental health can also be improved.
CM’s message
CM Yogi Adityanath stressed that:
- of India ancient traditions Are relevant even today and can show the whole world the way to live a healthy life.
- The youth should try to understand these traditions and take their benefits to the world stage through research.