Veteran actor Dharmendra is very active on social media even at this age. The actor keeps sharing his photos and videos with fans every day. Sometimes with family and sometimes with old friends, Dharmendra is seen sharing every moment with his fans. Meanwhile, recently Dharmendra has given a good news to the fans through social media. The actor told that a little guest has come to his house.
Good news came to Dharmendra’s house
You all know that 88-year-old Dharmendra is currently living at his farm house in Lonavala, away from the film limelight. His farm house is quite popular. This farm house spread over 100 acres is worth crores where Dharmendra does org.c farming. The actor also keeps showing glimpses of his luxury farm house to the fans.
Meanwhile, while sharing the picture of his farm house, he has told about the good news that came to his house. Actually, in his current post, Dharmendra has shared a picture of a cow, which has recently given birth to a calf. Dharmendra is very happy with the arrival of the calf in the house. He also shared his happiness with his fans and while sharing the picture wrote, ‘Friends, first we farmers ask for a calf … tractor has arrived … now we ask for a calf … I want a calf to get the blessings of a beautiful calf. This simple post of Dharmendra has won the hearts of the fans. Everyone is congratulating the actor on the arrival of the little guest in his house.
Dharmendra’s work front
Talking about Dharmendra’s work front, he was last seen in the film ‘Teri Baato Mein Aisa Ulta Jiya’ in which he played the role of Shahid Kapoor’s grandfather. Dharmendra’s next film is ‘Ikkis’. Actors like Agastya Nanda and Jaideep Ahlawat will be seen in important roles. This film can hit the theatres by 2025.