Egyptian pyramids have always been a mystery. Recently, scientists at the University of Pisa scanned it with advanced radar. With its help, a large and complex underground structure has been discovered under the pyramids of Giza. Cracado Malanga and Philipo Beyondi of the University of Stratchlide used synthetic aperture radar tomography to scan the pyramids of Khafre. An underground system was discovered inside it, which was spread about two kilometers under the three pyramids.
Challenge the notion of royal tombs
Recently, Giza’s pyramids were scanned in Egypt. In this, scientists have found some shocking mysterious structures. Scientists believe that this pyramid can also be an ancient power grid. The geometric structures connected to 3 kilometers under its layers have been discovered. Khafre’s pyramid is the second largest structure of Giza. The scan found five identical structures near the base of the Khafre pyramid. These structures were of several levels and were attached to geometric paths. There are 8 vertical cylindrical wells inside it. Which is surrounded by spiral roads spread up to 648 meters. Both of them later lost in a huge condensed structure. Its measurement was 80 meters per side.
Challenge the old claims
Reese has released a report after scanning them. One of his videos states that this discovery was going on for a long time. This discovery challenges the notion that the pyramids used to serve only as royal tombs. Researchers had earlier estimated that there could be any mechanical or energy-related function of the underground network.
Was there any power center beyond this?
This discovery is similar to the principles of celebrities like Nikola Tesla and Christopher Dunn. Tesla was a famous inventor who worked on electricity and wireless energy. He believed that pyramids could collect and use the Earth’s natural energy. Christopher Dun was an engineer and writer. In his book “The Giza Power Plant”, he said that the great pyramid could be a machine. He believed that they could convert vibration into energy.