Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the centenary closing ceremony of the world famous Gita Press in Gorakhpur on Friday. During this, he kept his views about Geeta Press.

The PM discussed in detail the contribution of Geeta Press in the development and construction of the country in these hundred years. During this, State Governor Anandiben Patel and CM Yogi were also present.

Addressing the ceremony, PM Modi said that Geeta Press is the only printing press in the world which is not just an institution but a living faith. The office of Geeta Press is no less than a temple for crores of people. There is Gita in his name as well as in his work. Where there is Gita, there is Krishna in person. Where there is Krishna, there is Karma and Karuna. Along with the attainment of knowledge, scientific research also takes place.

The PM said that the spiritual light that was lit in the form of Gita Press is guiding the entire hum.ty today. We are fortunate that we all are witnessing the centenary of this hum.tarian mission.

On this historic occasion, Gita Press has also been given the Gandhi Peace Prize. With which I am very happy. It is a tribute to Gita Press, a tribute to its contribution and a tribute to its centenary legacy.

PM Modi said that Gandhiji had an emotional attachment to Gita Press. There was a time when Gandhiji was writing for Gita Press through Kalyan Patrika. I was told that it was Gandhiji who suggested not to print advertisements in Kalyan Patrika.

Even today Geeta Press follows his words cent percent. Millions of copies have been published. These books are sold for less than the cost. And it is delivered to every house. This will prepare dedicated citizens for the society.

PM Modi said that an institution like Geeta Press is not only associated with religion and karma but also has a national character. It connects India. This strengthens the unity here. It conveys the fundamental thinking of India to the masses.

It covers a journey of 100 years at a time when the country is celebrating the elixir of independence. He kept the eternal values ​​alive even at the time of independence. Upheld the morals and values ​​in the society. Geeta Press has the highest contribution in nation building.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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