A tragic incident occurred near Malipur Railway Station in Uttar Pradesh’s Ambedkar Nagar district, where a female student lost her life after being struck by a train while attempting to cross the tracks at a closed railway crossing.
CCTV footage of the incident shows the student trying to hurry across by ducking under the closed railway barrier. As she proceeded forward, she apparently failed to notice the approaching train until it was too late. The goods train struck her before she could react, resulting in her immediate death.
The incident, which was captured by CCTV cameras installed at the railway crossing, has left local residents in shock. Bystanders who witnessed the tragic accident were stunned by the sudden turn of events.
After the video of the incident went viral on social media, some users suspected that the student deliberately went in front of the running train in a suicide attempt. The identity of the girl is yet to be ascertained.
Railway authorities have repeatedly warned against crossing tracks when barriers are down, emphasising the extreme dangers of such attempts. This incident serves as a tragic reminder of the importance of following railway safety protocols.
Local police and railway officials have initiated an investigation into the incident.
In a similar incident, 16-year-old Vaishnavi Rawal, a 10th-grade student, lost her life after being struck by the Gujarat-bound Rajdhani Express while crossing the railway tracks on Thursday in Maharashtra’s Palghar district. Reportedly, the student could not hear the approaching train as she was wearing earphones at the time of the accident.