In a shocking incident in Amroha district of Uttar Pradesh, a man attempted to strangle a young woman in broad daylight after knocking her off her scooter. The victim was saved by timely intervention of bystanders.

The incident occurred in Salempur Gosai area of Amroha, where the accused, identified as Rahul, allegedly attempted to kill a nursing student after she rejected his romantic advances. According to police reports, the accused first knocked the victim off her scooter and then attempted to strangle her with her dupatta. The horrific incident was captured on video and has since gone viral on social media.

The victim, a GNM student at a local medical college, was traveling from her village to Gajraula on Saturday evening when the incident occurred. Sources say the accused had been pursuing her for the past four years. He was reportedly angry after seeing her talking to other men recently.

According to eyewitnesses, the accused intercepted the victim’s scooter and initially tried to engage her in conversation. The situation quickly escalated when he suddenly attacked her, attempting to strangle her with her own dupatta. Local residents intervened and managed to rescue the woman, though the accused fled the scene.

The victim’s family rushed her to a private hospital for treatment. A police complaint has been filed, and authorities have launched a manhunt for the accused. “We have registered a case and teams have been formed to arrest the accused,” a senior police official stated.

The incident has sparked outrage in the region, particularly after the video of the attack went viral on social media platforms. Police have assured swift action in the case, and investigation is ongoing.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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