Indore (Madhya Pradesh): An 18-year-old girl lodged a complaint with police claiming that her two-year-old brother was abducted and kidnappers had demanded a ransom of Rs 2 lakh but later police learnt that the boy is safe with his mother in Gujarat.
ACP (Khajrana) Kundan Mandloi informed Free Press that girl named Mamta, a resident of BhuriTekri area along with her younger sister reached the police station and lodged a complaint that her two-year-old brother, who was playing outside their apartment, was kidnapped by unidentified men around 8 pm on Monday.
She told police that she had also received a ransom call of Rs 2 lakh from the kidnappers. She told the police that their mother had passed away three months ago and she, younger sister and kidnapped brother were staying with their father in a flat in Bhuri Tekri area.
After the FIR, Mandloi, TI KP Yadav and other officials reached the spot. As no CCTVs were installed near the spot, it was a challenge for the police. However, during investigation, police found the behaviour of the family members suspicious.
The officials dug deeper and found that the girl’s mother is alive and she lives in Gujarat.
Police came to know that their mother had come to the city during Raksha Bandhan and she had taken the child with her to Gujarat.
The girl wanted to stay with the child so she cooked the false story of his abduction. The police also verified the information from her mother in Gujarat.