of desi ghee It is used extensively in India, it is also considered a treasure of Ayurveda because it removes many health related problems. There is no shortage of nutrients in ghee. Its main nutrients include healthy fats, fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. The benefits of ghee depend on how and in what quantity you eat it. Today we will tell you what will happen if you add ghee to hot water and drink it.

Although ghee is high in calories, it can be helpful in weight loss when consumed in limited quantities. Consuming ghee with hot water increases fat metabolism and reduces appetite, making it an important diet.

2. Aids digestion

Ghee contains butyric acid, a short-chain fatty acid that promotes a healthy gut lining and supports the production of digestive enzymes. When consumed with warm water, it soothes the digestive system, helps in smooth digestion and prevents constipation.

3. good

For skin: Rich in antioxidants and Vitamin E, ghee increases skin elasticity and moisture. Consuming it with hot water flushes out the toxins, which reduces acne and dullness, i.e. the skin gets indirect benefits.

4. Benefits of bone joints

Ghee is a rich source of healthy fats that nourish connective tissues and reduce inflammation. Mixed with warm water, it helps maintain joint flexibility and may reduce arthritis symptoms.

The butyric acid present in ghee improves gut health, which is directly related to stronger immunity. Its nutrient content along with warm water enhances the balanced gut microbiome, thereby enhancing immunity.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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