Ghaziabad: A six-month-old foetus was found in a toilet pipe of a house in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, on Sunday. Authorities stated that the foetus was extracted following the pipe’s rupture. The house’s owner, Devendra, informed the police, prompting the Indirapuram officers to arrive at the scene, as per reports by PTI.

The police subsequently questioned the landlord, who informed them that they discovered the pipe was severed on Sunday morning because of water accumulation.

Upon inspection, they discovered that a foetus was lodged in the pipe. The report from PTI indicated that the owner stated there are nine tenants residing in his house.

The police questioned everyone involved, and the foetus has been kept safe after fulfilling all required legal procedures.

The police will compare the tenants’ DNA with that of the embryo to identify the perpetrator. Indirapuram’s Assistant Commissioner of Police, Swatantra Kumar Singh, stated that additional investigation is ongoing regarding the issue.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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