The pleasant experience of the child is as a pleasant upbringing, the more challenging it is. Parents always want the good of their child, but many times they make mistakes that can have a negative effect on the child’s mental development and personality. There are some behavior that can create fear, insecurity and inferiority complex in the minds of children. This mental stress can affect their entire life later. Therefore it is important that parents avoid some common mistakes in parenting.

General mistakes made in raising children

1. To take more strictness

Some parents believe that the strict behavior, the less mistakes will be made. However, due to too much discipline and intimidation, the child starts talking to the parents openly. This reduces his confidence and can become emotionally weak. The right parenting means to balance – where discipline and love too.

2. Always pressure to become number one

Every parent wants to see their child successful, but it is not right to pressurize him to top him. With the hope of continuously winning, the child starts feeling insecure and is afraid to face failure. This can break his confidence and can make him emotionally unstable. It is important to convince children that defeat and win are part of life, and failure also works to teach.

3. Over parenting

The child’s safety and care is necessary, but it is not right to interfere in everything. Some parents become so involved that the child does not let themselves take any decision by themselves. This can cause lack of self-sufficiency in the child and he starts depending on others even for small things in future.

4. Keeping an atmosphere of constant quarrel in the house

The atmosphere of quarrels and stress between parents can have a profound effect on the mental health of the child. When children see their parents repeatedly arguing or misbehaving with each other, it can cause insecurity and fear in their mind. This also affects the attitude of seeing their relationships and they themselves can become angry or sensitive.

5. Punishment on every mistake

It is necessary to discipline children, but it is not appropriate to scold or punish every small mistake. If the child is repeatedly intimidated or killed, he starts clipping by sharing his feelings with parents. With this, he can make a habit of hiding his mistakes, affecting his mental development. It would be better to explain the difference between the child with love and understanding.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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