Actress and television host Gauahar Khan gifted herself a brand new white Mercedes-Benz C-Coupe worth nearly Rs 1 crore, and his family had a priceless reaction as they welcomed the new car. Several photos of Gauahar, her husband Zaid Darbar and son have been doing the rounds in which they are seen posing with their new car.

In one of the photos, Gauahar is also seen cutting a cake to celebrate the achievement. In another picture, she is seen inside the swanky car with her son. The family members were all smiles as they arrived to take their new purchase home.

The photo were shared by the official Instagram account of the brand with the caption, “Glamour meets luxury as Gauahar Khan drives home in her stunning Mercedes-Benz E-Class! ✨Here’s to endless journeys in elegance, comfort, and style. Congratulations, Gauahar.”

The former Bigg Boss winner also shared a couple of photos on her Instagram story in which she is seen driving the car and posing with it in the showroom. Take a look:

About Gauahar’s new car

C-Coupe is available in three variants. According to, the car is loaded with various tech and features. It is available in 10 colours in India.

Also, the mileage of Mercedes-Benz C-Coupe ranges from 9.26 kmpl to 14.49 kmpl.

Meanwhile, on the work front, Gauahar will be seen next in Ravie Dubey and Sargun Mehta’s newly launched platform, Dreamiyata Dramaa’s new show, Lovely Lolla. The show will also star Bigg Boss fame and TV actress Isha Malviya in the lead.

Gauahar will be playing the role of a mother, while Isha will portray her daughter. Veteran actress Dolly Ahluwalia has also joined the cast, playing Gauahar’s mother and Isha’s grandmother.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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