Garuda Purana: According to Vedic astrology, Garuda Purana is one of the total 18 Puranas. Garuda Purana has special importance in the scriptures. In Garuda Purana, there is mention of a person’s life from birth to death. Ways to make life happy are also mentioned in Garuda Purana. If a person takes care of these things mentioned in Garuda Purana, his life will be happy.


There are a total of 19000 verses in Garuda Purana, out of which seven thousand verses are related to human life. According to religious belief, if a person dies in the house, Garuda Purana is recited there. Because the soul of a deceased person stays in the house for 13 days, if he listens to Garuda Purana then his soul gets peace and attains salvation. Some such things have been mentioned in Garuda Purana, following which life becomes blessed. Let us tell you today about some such important things.

Five important things about Garuda Purana


1. According to Garuda Purana, if you wear unwashed clothes regularly then you have to face poverty. If you want to become rich then you should wear clean clothes every day, this keeps your mind calm and your parents happy.

2. According to Garuda Purana, regular worship of Tulsi provides relief from diseases and Goddess Lakshmi resides permanently in the house.

3. According to Garuda Purana, taking regular bath and meditation increases the cooperative healing in a person’s life. All wishes are fulfilled by regular worship of Lord Vishnu.


4. People who regularly wake up early in the morning have a long life. Those who sleep even after sunset, their health also deteriorates and Goddess Lakshmi is also unhappy.

5. Every person should donate to a poor person as per his capacity, which increases the chances of financial gain.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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