Mumbai: In a shocking incident resembling a crime thriller, a gang carried out a dramatic robbery in Dharavi, where a 70-year-old woman was held hostage and robbed of valuables worth ₹2.14 lakh. The Dharavi police have arrested eight suspects, including five women, one of whom is a minor. The arrested individuals have been identified as Pragati Holmuge (24), Priya Sonawane (18), Bhavna Shewale (23), Nikhil Sanjay Patil (24), Prasanjit Karmokar (26), Sahil Devkar (21), and Animesh Karmokar (42). According to the police, the gang planned the heist after being inspired by crime shows.

The robbery occurred on Sunday, January 12, between 4:15 PM and 4:30 PM. The elderly victim was sleeping in her house when two female suspects forced their way in. They tied her hands and legs with a cloth, gagged her, and threw chili powder on her face and eyes. The duo then assaulted her and snatched her gold jewelry. Soon, other gang members joined in and looted more valuables, including gold bangles, earrings, and chains, before escaping with the cash. Before fleeing, they threatened her with dire consequences if she informed the police.

The victim filed a complaint at 11:15 PM on Sunday, prompting immediate action by the Dharavi police. Within three hours, four suspects, including a minor, were arrested. By Monday evening, three more suspects were apprehended. The accused were presented in court and have been remanded in police custody until January 15.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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