Didwana, Rajasthan: In a bizarre incident from Kuchaman City, Didwana district in Rajasthan, an unusual sight left people astonished. Anil Singh Medtia, Leader of the Opposition in the Kuchaman Municipal Council, faced trouble when his electric car broke down. To everyone’s surprise, he had the car pulled by oxen. The incident was caught on camera and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. The video shows the pair of oxen pulling the electric car which broke down in Rajasthan’s Didwana, sparking curiosity and conversations.

A Year of Problems with the Car

Medtia revealed that he purchased the car in 2023 but faced constant issues ever since. He claimed that he has visited the service center 16 times in the past year, but the problems remain unresolved. One major complaint is the car’s failure to deliver the promised mileage after a full charge. Medtia accused the company of misleading him with false claims and expressed frustration over the mental stress caused by these issues.

Why Oxen Were Used

The event occurred three to four days ago. When the car broke down despite being fully charged, Medtia used oxen to pull it as a way to highlight his struggles with the vehicle. This unusual solution shocked onlookers and emphasized the challenges he has faced.

Similar Incident in Dholpur

Interestingly, a similar event happened recently in Dholpur district. A frustrated farmer set his tractor on fire after repeated breakdowns and lack of help from the company. These incidents have raised questions about the reliability of certain vehicles and the accountability of manufacturers.

This strange sight of an electric car being pulled by oxen has turned into a local sensation, drawing attention to the growing frustration among vehicle owners facing unresolved issues.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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