If you are a non-vegetarian then you will definitely like chicken. Compared to other meats, it is not only tasty but also good for health. Besides, chicken is also considered an excellent source of protein. Most people like fried chicken very much. But extra oil and spices are added to it.. which is harmful for health.

If you want to get the most nutrients from chicken, the best way to eat it is to cook it. Yes.. Although cooked chicken does not give you much taste, it has many health benefits. Eating cooked chicken provides nutrients to the body.

For weight loss: Boiled chicken helps in weight loss. When chicken is boiled, it releases fat and oil. Additionally, eating boiled chicken helps you control your calories.

Easy to digest: Other chicken dishes, including chicken fried in oil, take longer to digest. Because they are prepared with oil and spices, they take time to digest. Thus, cooked chicken is easier to digest.

Strengthens bones: The protein present in chicken helps in improving bone strength. Including boiled chicken in your daily diet is a great way to increase bone strength.

Strengthens muscles: For those who exercise in the gym, boiled chicken is very helpful in improving their muscles. The protein present in chicken improves muscle health.

Immunity: Zinc present in chicken provides the necessary immunity to the body. Zinc helps protect the body from disease and infection. Boiled chicken is good for cold and fever.

Cancer: Studies have shown that non-vegetarians who consume a lot of this chicken meat, also known as red meat, can avoid the risk of colon cancer. Thus, eating chicken and fish is said to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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