Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Madhya Pradesh West Zone Electricity Distribution Company on Saturday took swift action against four employees after news reports revealed that they extorted money from hotel manager under the guise of inspecting for power theft. The incident took place on December 30 when three members of the vigilance team visited the hotel under the pretext of a meter inspection.
They threatened the manager with a case of electricity theft and demanded Rs 75,000 to “settle” the issue. The hotel owner reluctantly complied but grew suspicious after the employees claimed Rs 2,000 was still “missing.”
The owner contacted the electricity company’s headquarters and learnt no official inspection had been permitted. Believing the perpetrators to be imposters, he alerted the crime branch.
When one employee returned for the remaining money, he was apprehended by hotel staff and police. The accused later confessed to the crime, implicating senior personnel in the scheme. On this revelation, West Discom managing director Rajni Singh responded swiftly and took action against all involved employees.
Action taken
–Vikash Kumar Singh, assistant engineer, was suspended and transferred to the Circle Electricity Office in Neemuch
—Mohammad Junaid Rangrez, a contract line employee, was suspended and reassigned to Dhar branch
–Vijay Thakur and Ankit Chauhan, outsourced employees from Prime One Outsource Company, were dismissed outright