Foot burning causes and solutions: Many people have to face the problem of burning sanitation in the soles of the feet, but it is often ignored. This irritation can be unbearable at times and can also cause trouble walking.

Burning in the legs is not only due to heat, but it can also be a sign of a serious illness or lack of nutrition. So if your feet are burning again and again, do not ignore it and try to find out the reason.

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Let us know the 7 main reasons behind this-

1. Diabetes Neuropathy

If you have diabetes, one of the main causes of burning sensation in the legs can be diabetic neuropathy. It damages high blood sugar nerves, causing irritation, tingling and numbness in the soles.

2. Vitamin deficiency

Lack of vitamin B12, B6 and folic acid can also cause leg irritation. These vitamins help keep the veins healthy. If there is a deficiency in the body, then there may be irritation in the feet as well as weakness and fatigue.

3. Sweat and fungal infection problem

Excessive sweating or wearing wet socks can cause fungal infections, causing irritation, itching and rash. Especially in an infection called athlete foot, there is more burning sensation in the feet.

4. Nervous damage or neuropathy

If your veins have been damaged for some reason, it can also cause burning sensation in the legs. There can be many reasons for veins being damaged, such as drinking more alcohol, injury or other diseases.

5. Thyroid problem

Hypothyroidism (deficiency of thyroid hormone) affects metabolism in the body, causing damage to nerves and burning sensation in the legs.

6. Problem in blood circulation

If your feet are not getting the right amount of blood supply, it can cause a feeling of irritation and heaviness. It is often seen in problems such as peripheral artery disease (PAD).

7. Kidney or liver problem

If the kidneys or liver are not functioning properly, toxins may accumulate in the body, causing irritation and swelling in the legs.

What to do?

If there is a burning sensation in the feet, do not take it lightly. First of all, contact a good doctor and get your problem checked. Apart from this, drink plenty of water, eat nutritious food and get your blood sugar and thyroid level checked regularly.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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