The way we eat clearly affects our body and face. Let us tell you that our eating habits have a direct impact on your fitness, your appearance and health. This is why we should always eat healthy food.
signs of aging begin to appear
Especially after the age of 30, women and men should start paying attention to their eating habits. After 30 years, many changes start taking place in the body, due to these changes there is loss of muscles, your metabolism slows down, due to which fat starts accumulating in the body. Collagen also starts decreasing in the body, due to which your skin starts becoming loose and signs of age start appearing.
Green vegetables are rich in nutrients
Here we are going to tell you about the food which women should start eating after 30 years. Green vegetables are rich in nutrients that contain antioxidants and help reduce the risk of heart disease, cataracts and some types of cancer. Green vegetables are also rich in vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C also plays an important role in collagen production. Therefore, consuming it prevents your skin from becoming loose quickly and the skin remains tight.
Flax seeds are beneficial for health
Flax seeds are very beneficial for health. They contain antioxidants and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and breast cancer. Avocado is a superfood that keeps you from getting sick. Apart from this, it also contains heart-healthy fats, fiber and many other essential nutrients. It contains vitamins and minerals that nourish the body and protect it from many diseases.