After Navi Mumbai police failed to take cognisance of an atrocity case, 43 year old a food app delivery man had to knock the doors of High Court to get an FIR lodged. The victim Ramsajivan Chotelal Kanojia (43) a resident of Kalwa Thane, was allegedly kidnapped and brutally assaulted by five men in the month of June at Patni road in Rabale. The accused had also allegedly used casteist slur for the complainant.

According to the complainant, the enmity between both the groups is two years old. The complainant has identified the five accused as Lalchand Saroj, Jayprakash Yadav, Jayprakash Gaud, Vijay Sharma and Pramodkumar Singh, who were known to the victim.

According to the FIR lodged as per the directions of the High Court, the five accused had been allegedly humiliating the victim at several instances by using casteist slurs. In the month of June the five accused allegedly intercepted his two wheeler and forcefully took him in their vehicle to an isolated place and was severely assaulted with a belt and iron rod after being tied up. “After the incident, the victim repeatedly complained to the police in Navi Mumbai but none took any cognizance,” advocate Tushar Sonawane who appeared for Kanojia, said.

With no other option, on November 12, Kanojia filed a writ and on November 23 the police was ordered by the HC to record the statement of the petitioner. Accordingly, Rabale police filed a FIR on December 3.

Meanwhile Rabale police has denied the allegation of not taking cognizance and have said that the complainant had gone to his native place in Uttar Pradesh after the incident and was to give his statement after returning. “Since the case is of atrocity Act matter, the case is being investigated by Assistant Commissioner and none are arrested till now,” a police officer from Rabale police station said.

The case was registered under sections 118(1) (2) –hurting using dangerous weapons, 352- intentional insult ,351(2)- injure the reputation, 110,189(1),191(2), 190,140(4) along with the relevant section of the The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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