Food is not just a means of filling the stomach; It also provides essential nutrients to our body. A balanced diet gives the ability to fight against diseases by strengthening the immune system. However, sometimes wrong diet can cause food allergies, causing disturbances in the immune system. Generally, the body’s immune system protects against bacteria, viruses and other toxic substances, but the intake of certain foods can disturb the mechanism, which is called food allergy.

Why is allergy caused by wheat flour

Some people may be allergic to this due to globulin, gliadin, albumin and protein present in wheat. In ciliac disease, the gluten present in wheat can make the person a victim of allergies. To avoid this, doctors recommend consuming other grains instead of wheat.

Do not consume these 5 things in case of wheat allergy

  1. Beverage
    Very few people know that some beverages contain gluten. In such a situation, alcoholic beverages made from beer and other wheat should not be consumed. Bottled wine, pre -prepared coffee and drinks can also contain wheat.
  2. Spices
    Things such as soy sauce, ketchup, vinegar and barbecue sauce often contain gluten, which can trigger gluten allergies by reaching the stomach.
  3. Baked food
    Baked foods such as cookies, pastries, cakes and donuts usually contain wheat flour, which can cause problems for people with wheat allergies.
  4. Processed food
    People with wheat allergies should not consume processed food. These include burgers, cheese, meat, ice cream and french fries, which contain gluten.
  5. Bread and raps
    White bread, wheat bread, tortilla and other types of breads and gluten are found in raps, which increases the problem of people with gluten allergies.

By staying away from these foods, you can avoid the effects of allergy to wheat and stay healthy.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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