Leader of Opposition Umang Singh tweeted about negligence, after which action was taken to remove the Chief Engineer. Also, Chief Engineer of Public Works Department, KPS Rana, has constituted a four-member investigation committee, which will submit the investigation report of the entire matter within 15 days.


The state’s biggest flyover built in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh is embroiled in controversies due to corruption. A flyover is being constructed from Madan Mahal Chowk to Damohanaka. This is approximately Rs. There are preparations worth Rs 1000 crore. But negligence and poor quality in construction has created controversy. The Chief Engineer has been removed on charges of negligence.

Leader of Opposition Umang Singh tweeted about negligence, after which action was taken to remove the Chief Engineer. Also, Chief Engineer of Public Works Department, KPS Rana has constituted a four-member inquiry committee, which will submit the inquiry report on the entire matter within 15 days.

Panic in Public Works Department due to cracks in the road

A portion of the flyover was recently inaugurated, but the road collapsed shortly thereafter. As soon as the cracks came to light, there was a stir in the Public Works Department (PWD). Leader of Opposition Umang Singh has attacked the government in this matter. While posting on social media, he wrote that ‘new stories of corruption’ are being written in Madhya Pradesh. He accused the government that all this is the result of corruption or ‘corruption’ and is very worrying for the development of the state.

negligence during construction

As soon as the news of poor construction spread, the Public Works Department formed a committee to investigate the matter. Taking action against the culprits, the department has removed Chief Engineer SC Verma from Jabalpur and attached him to Rewa. However, the opposition and local people say that transfer alone is not enough. Criminals should be given strict punishment.

People demanded action

The Leader of Opposition gave a political color to this matter and described it as a living example of the government’s negligence. He said that quality was ignored in the construction work of this flyover built at a cost of Rs 800 crore, which is a symbol of corruption. According to him, the project was affected due to the collusion of the government and the administration.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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