Mumbai: Complainant Chetankumar Balwantray Tandel, a 44-year-old fisherman from the fishing boat “Jay Maa Tara” of Ramfliya, Krishnapur Jalalpur, Valsad, Gujarat, reported a collision incident on December 10, 2024. The incident occurred around 11:45 PM, approximately 37.67 nautical miles (about 70 km) off the coast of Gujarat near Div Kodinar. An FIR has been registered against an unknown vessel under sections 125, 282, and 324(5) of the BNS Act at Yellow Gate Police Station.

According to the information provided by Tandel to the police, his boat was struck on the left side by an unidentified red-colored chemical tanker while they were returning to Bhaucha Dhakka, Mumbai, after fishing. The tanker, moving at high speed, did not have any lights on and struck the fishing boat near the side hole. The collision caused the boat to tilt to the right and sink. Fortunately, crew members from nearby fishing boats managed to rescue Tandel and his team.

The fishing crew aboard “Jay Maa Tara” had been working as part of the Kapil Fishing Group. After the incident, they were brought aboard another boat and safely returned to Bhaucha Dhakka at 10:00 PM on December 11. Tandel has filed a complaint against the captain of the unidentified chemical tanker, accusing them of recklessly and carelessly operating the vessel, leading to the sinking of the boat and endangering the lives of the crew. Police are investigating the case.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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