With a shortfall of 550 firemen, the Mumbai Fire Brigade (MFB) is preparing for a large-scale recruitment drive in January. In light of the controversy surrounding last year’s recruitment process, the MFB is now considering the involvement of an external agency to oversee future hiring, ensuring greater transparency and mitigating the risk of any further criticism. Meanwhile, the 750 firemen positions filled last year will commence their duties in April, following a six-month training period.
The MFB has been grappling with a severe shortage of firemen for the past three years. So, a large-scale recruitment drive was launched in January 2023 to fill 910 vacant posts. Candidates who met the criteria were eligible to undergo ground tests, which were conducted in Dahisar. Following the completion of all tests, the MFB released the final merit list in May 2023. However, a group of disqualified aspirants alleged irregularities in the recruitment process, sparking accusations of a scam. Additionally, female candidates protested during the recruitment drive, demanding an inquiry into the matter.
“We initially handled the recruitment process ourselves to minimise unnecessary expenses. However, in light of the allegations of a scam, it would be prudent to outsource the process to a private agency. We will submit a proposal to the civic administration for approval. While the agency can conduct the ground tests, we will oversee the entire process. To ensure transparency, the recruitment process will be conducted online, allowing us to immediately address any concerns raised by aspirants and provide evidence on the spot,” said a senior official.
The selection process for firemen includes a series of demanding tests, such as performing pull-ups, shimmying down a 20-foot rope, running 800 meters in under three minutes, and jumping from a height of 19 feet. Meanwhile, the 750 firemen recruited last year are currently undergoing training and are expected to join the brigade in April. The fire brigade has a total of 3,600 sanctioned posts for firemen and officials, but there are currently only 2,500 firemen, with vacancies regularly arising due to retirements.