Veteran filmmaker Subhash Ghai, known for films like Taal, Pardes and others, was rushed to a hospital in Mumbai on Saturday after he complained of memory loss, speech difficulty and breathing issues. However, his team later issued a statement that it was a “routine check-up”.

As per reports, Ghai was admitted to the ICU of Lilavati Hospital in Bandra. “Subhash Ghai presented to the emergency department at Lilavati Hospital and Research Centre with complaints of difficulty in speaking, confusion and memory loss since one day. His past medical history was positive for Ischemic heart disease (s/p AVR 2009, CABG in 2011 and pacemaker insertion in 2011) and a recently diagnosed hypothyroidism. He was admitted to the ICU under the care of Dr. Rohit Deshpande,” a statement issued by the hospital read.

It further noted, “Initial CT angio of the brain, chest and abdomen and initial baseline blood investigations were essentially acceptable for his age and the patient was further evaluated. Ultrasound of the neck suggested features suggestive of thyroiditis with a hypoechoic margin requiring further evaluation. Transrectal Ultrasound of the prostate showed a heterogeneous hypoechoic lesion in the left lobe of the prostate gland with a serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) value – 100. The patient is being evaluated for paraneoplastic syndrome secondary to the prostate lesion for which the patient is scheduled for a PET-CT scan on Monday.”

On the other hand, Ghai’s spokesperson thanked his fans and well-wishers and wrote, “We would like to confirm that Mr. Subhash Ghai is absolutely fine. He has been admitted for a routine check-up and is doing well. Thank you all for your love and concern.”

Ghai recently attended the 55th edition of the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa, where he spoke about docu-drama ‘Gandhi: A Perspective’. “There are questions raised about Gandhi among the youth. They wonder why this happened. That is why I wrote such a story and made such a film. Gandhi is still relevant today and his thoughts, values and principles are timeless,” he told the audience and media, adding that the docu-drama should be screened in every school and college.

Ghai is known for being the man behind some of the cult films of Bollywood, including conic films such as Taal, Hero, Khal Nayak, Ram Lakhan, Karma, Saudagar, and Pardes among others.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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