Actor Ram Charan penned a heartfelt message for his fans to express gratitude for showering love on his recently-released film Game Changer. Directed by Shankar, the film hit the big screens on January 10 and it received mixed reviews from critics and the audience.

On the occasion of Makar Sankranti (January 14), Ram Charan took to his official Instagram account to thank his fans, along with the cast and crew of Game Changer.

“Dear fans, audience, and media, This Sankranthi, my heart is filled with gratitude for making all the hard work we put into Game Changer truly worth it. My heartfelt appreciation goes to the entire cast, crew, and everyone behind the scenes who contributed to the film’s success. Your unwavering love and support means the world to me,” the actor wrote.

He added, “A special thanks to the media for your encouragement and kind reviews, which played a vital role in this milestone. As we welcome 2025 with positivity, I promise to continue delivering performances that make you proud, Game Changer will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for your unconditional love. Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous Sankranthi and a wonderful year ahead.”

“A big thank you to Shankar Sir for the opportunity,” he captioned his post.

Ram Charan plays dual roles in Game Changer, one as an IAS officer and the other as a spirited individual who flights for the social cause. Kiara Advani is seen as his love interest, adding a touch of romance to the storyline.

The plot takes a gripping turn when SJ Suryah enters as a corrupt Chief Minister, setting up a tense face-off with Ram’s character, who calls himself ‘unpredictable’.

The film tackles themes of corruption, justice, and the fight for change, making it not just a spectacle but also a thought-provoking experience.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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