A 15-year-old son of a police constable hung himself after his family denied him coconut water, said a report in Navbharat Times. The tragic incident took place in Uttarakhand on Saturday (August 31). The teenager was studying in 10th standard at a school in Kotdwar in Paudi-Gadhwal. His father, a police constable, was not at home at the time of the tragedy and was posted in Chamoli.

What happened on the day?

The incident unfolded after the teen came home from school at 6:30 pm on Saturday. On his return, he asked for coconut water. His family members forbade him from drinking coconut water at evening hours saying it might make him catch cold. This upset him.

The boy then went to his room and hung himself on a noose tied to the window grills. The family did not realise what was happening. They came to know about the tragedy only when they entered the room to call him for an evening snacks.

The body of the teenager has been sent for post-mortem.

Teenager suicides have been reported from many parts of the country in recent months. In July, an 18-year-old boy ended his life after his father refused to buy him a new iPhone worth 1.5 lakh rupees.

The boy was reportedly addicted to drugs and was a school dropout. In spite of the boy’s demand for the latest iPhone, his father bought him a budget phone of Vivo brand.

The police registered a case of accidental death.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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