Fire in Mahakumbh Mela Tent City: Big news has come out from Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh. On Wednesday (January 29), a fierce fire broke out in Tent City outside the fair today (30 January) after a stampede at Prayagraj Mahakumbh Mela on the occasion of Mauni Amavasya. The fire started near Sector 22 Nageshwar Ghat of Jhunsi Chatnag Ghat. Many tents were gutted in this fierce fire. As soon as the information was received, the fire brigade team reached to control the fire. The fire brigade team successfully overcame the fire. No casualties were reported in the incident.

Sector 22 area in Mahakumbh is located between Chhatnag Ghat and Nageshwar Ghat in Zuci, where the incident occurred. Thankfully, there was no one where there was no fire. There was no devotee inside the tent. However, several tents were burnt in the fire, but no casualties were reported. A video of the incident has also surfaced.

Chief Fire Officer Pramod Kumar Sharma said that the fire was reported in Sector 22. Many vehicles of the fire department reached the spot and the fire was controlled. It is believed that the fire is caused by a short circuit.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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