Bollywood actor Arbaaz Khan is celebrating his first wedding anniversary with his wife, Shura Khan, in the most heartfelt way. The actor shared two beautiful pictures with his love Shura to mark the occasion.
The first image features the couple dressed in elegant black outfits, standing close and radiating happiness, while the second picture takes fans back to their wedding day, showcasing their love and joy.
While sharing the photos on Instagram, the ‘Dhol’ actor expressed his love and gratitude for Shura, making the celebration even more special for their fans.
He wrote, “Happy anniversary Shura. Words can’t express the happiness, joy and laughter you bring to our lives. Just a year of dating and then a year of marriage and it feels I’ve known you forever. Thank you for your unconditional love, support and care. Truly blessed.”
The post has been flooded with congratulatory messages and good wishes for the couple from their fans and friends.
Arbaaz’s wife who is also a make-up artist, Shura Khan also delighted her fans by sharing adorable pictures on Instagram to celebrate her first wedding anniversary with Arbaaz Khan.
The heartwarming album captures the couple’s cherished moments, from enjoying a relaxing fishing trip to playful and goofy antics, showcasing their love bond.
While sharing pictures from her Instagram handle, she wrote, “Happy Anniversary Arbaazzz. My love, every day with you feels like a blessing. You’re my safe haven, my greatest joy, and the best part of my life. I’m so grateful for your love, your strength, and the way you make every moment so special. You make my world brighter, and my heart fuller. Here’s to many more years of laughter, love, and unforgettable memories together. Thank you for being you.”
The actor and producer Arbaaz Khan married makeup artist Shura Khan on December 24, 2023. The couple had been dating for over a year before getting married but kept their relationship private.
Arbaaz’s latest production includes Patna Shuklla and Bandaa Singh Chaudhary.
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