While the cold continues across North India, the farmers’ movement has again gained momentum in Punjab and Haryana. A Mahapanchayat of farmers will be organized on January 4 in Tohana, Fatehabad, Haryana. Lakhs of farmers are likely to gather in this Mahapanchayat under the banner of United Kisan Morcha. Farmers from Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh will participate in this event.
A meeting was also organized in Karnal to review the preparations for the Mahapanchayat, in which farmer leaders made serious allegations of breach of promise on the government.
Farmer leaders blame the government
State President of Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) Ratan Mann said that the government has completely failed to resolve the issues of farmers.
- Allegations of rhetoric and breaking promises:
Mann says that the Haryana government made many false promises to the farmers, but never fulfilled them. - Stern warning:
- “If the government does not take farmers’ issues seriously, it will have to face the consequences.”
MSP and government claims
Farmer leaders also rejected the claims of the government on MSP (minimum support price).
- MSP claim on 24 crops wrong:
Farmers said that Haryana Chief Minister Naib Singh Saini is misleading the farmers. - Demand to make law:
- “If the Haryana government claims to purchase 25 crops at MSP, then why does the central government not make a law to implement it?”
Government cornered over Dallewal’s situation
Farmer leaders held the government responsible for the deteriorating health of Jagjit Singh Dallewal.
- Need to take drastic steps:
- “The government neither talked nor resolved the problems of the farmers, due to which Dallewal had to take extreme measures.”
- The leaders said that the agitation will continue until the demands of the farmers are not met.
Big meeting in Moga on 9 January
After the Mahapanchayat of Haryana, farmer organizations have also called a meeting in Moga, Punjab on 9 January.
- A large number of farmers from Punjab and Haryana are likely to gather in this meeting.
- Next strategy of the movement:
- The plan to take the movement to the national level will be discussed in the Moga meeting.
Big leaders will participate in Kisan Mahapanchayat
BKU spokesperson Rakesh Tikait, general secretary Yudhveer Singh, and other prominent leaders will participate in the Tohana Mahapanchayat.
- A large number of farmers from Punjab will also reach this event.