Faridabad, September 4 (HS). The team of Palla police station has arrested an accused of extortion. Police spokesperson said on Wednesday that the arrested accused Sohan Pal (42) is a resident of Agwanpur village of Faridabad and works in property dealing. On May 30, 2024, a case was registered in Palla police station under sections of extortion and threat to kill, in which the victim woman told that she lives in Deepawali Enclave Part 2 and was constructing a second floor on her house.
On 29 May, Sohan Pal came to her house and stopped her work. Sohan Pal demanded Rs 15,000 from the woman and threatened to kill her if she did not pay the money. Out of fear, the woman came under pressure and sent him Rs 12,000 through Phone Pay. Based on the complaint of the victim woman, a case was registered against the accused and his search was started. The accused absconded to escape police arrest. The police took further action in the case and arrested the accused from Palla Chowk on 3 September. Rs 1500 were recovered from the accused’s possession by the police. He told that he had spent the rest of the money. Police investigation revealed that the accused has also committed a fraud of about Rs 8 lakh with a person in another case. The accused had taken this money from the person in the name of giving him a plot on green belt land by preparing fake land documents, which is being investigated by the police. The accused has been produced in the court and sent to jail, while in the second case of fraud, further action will be taken by taking the accused on production.